You are not alone.
by Dr. Cam

You may be one of those people…

One of those people who’s friends stopped inviting you to things because you’ve said no far too many times because of your migraines. You may hear something like “We didn’t invite you because we figured you were having a migraine again… sorry!”. The sad thing is… they were right.

You may be one of those people…

One of those people who see your friends and family eat a meal that you would love to enjoy, but know that eating it may trigger your digestive issues, making it feel feel like your insides are turning against itself.

You may be one of those people…

One of those people who’s depression feels like it is constantly choking them. That the gap between your facade in the world and your reality is so far apart that you’ve forgotten who you really are. The depression has gotten so bad that it’s starting to impact other systems in your body from the stress, causing a complete shut down.

You may be one of those people…

One of those people who see their friends post their beautiful hike on social media. Them at the top of Pinnacle Mountain, or another local hike. Knowing that you would never dare do such a thing because your fear is that you make it to the top, but never have the energy to make it back down due to chronic fatigue.

You may be one of those people…

One of those people who’s body feels like it is ready to collapse on itself at any given moment. You say to yourself…

“what the heck is going on in my body”.

“why is nothing working that I’ve been trying”.

and the saddest question of them all…

“Why is this happening to me…”

If you are one of those people…

This is your reminder that you are not alone. Almost all of the patients that I take care of feel like they are on an island when it comes to their health. They feel like they are at a lost for hope with their health challenges and that they have been forced to believe “its all in my head”.

There are other people out there who are going through the same exact thing that you are.

There are also people out there who have gotten the long lasting results that they deserve. If you want to explore what this looks like, I invite you to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with me.

All in all, I just wanted to take some time out of my day to remind you that what you are experiencing is valid and real.

and don’t let ANY doctors or medications make you feel otherwise.

Yours in service,

Dr. Cam


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