Hebrews 13:8 CSB
[8] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
As believers, we put our faith into the mighty works of Jesus Christ. Just as we trust a pilot to fly us to our destinations safely, or an Uber driver to drive us to our destination safely, so we trust the Lord Jesus with the salvation of our souls.
You would not jump out of a plane to skydive without a parachute, would you? In a greater sense then, let us put on the parachute of salvation by trusting in God.
Taking a look back at my own life. A history of blatant sin against God, yet He was with me. When I was at my lowest, He was there. When I feel on top of the world, He is there. If I have a track record of the Lord being with me, why is it so easy for me not to see Him in this moment.
The enemy attempts to put blinders on our souls that make it hard to manifest God in the present moment. It is easier for me to look back and see the evidence of God in my life than it is to feel His presence now. The reality is if He was there with us before, what makes any difference now?
Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the everlasting God of Creation manifested in servant form as a man. He dwelt, and continues to dwell among us (John 1:14) through the manifestation of Holy Spirit. We have gained direct access to the Father through the mediation of His Son.
My friend, I know that it is easy for us to look back and find evidence of His presence. In the good, the bad, and the mundane. I encourage you to have a mindset shift in THIS moment, and know that the same God that dwelt with Abraham in his obedience, Jacob and his wrestling, David and his conquering, Rahab and her safety, Mary in her womb, Mary Magdalene in her deliverance, Thomas and his doubt, Peter in his anger, Solomon in his wisdom, John and his baptisms, is the SAME God that dwells with you, me, us NOW.
The God of the Bible is not only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God of YOU. And He does not, and will never change for God cannot lie (verse)
Pray: Heavenly Father, open the scales of my eyes in this moment to view the evidence of Your presence. Just as I am able to look back and see various ways that you were with me, so you are with me now. Forgive me in my ignorance, and help me walk in your ways through the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name, Amen.
– C. M. Daniels