Just Live With It
by Dr. Cam

“You are going to have to just live with it”

If you’ve ever heard that phrase before you’ve probably felt let down.  Like they were giving up on you.  It’s a pretty hopeless feeling mixed with anger and frustration, fear and defeat.  Not a place you want to be in when you’re trying to overcome a serious health issue. Unfortunately, this phrase is all too common in the medical field.  So many people just like you have been bounced through the system from doctor to doctor with no real solutions ever presented.  

Sure they all want to help you, they’re not necessarily bad doctors or mean people, they just aren’t able to pinpoint the root of the problem.   They are busy and overwhelmed, they have a system and a protocol and if you don’t fit into that mold then you get passed along to the next specialist.  It’s just the nature of the business.  It’s the system itself that’s broken. They aren’t trained to openly communicate with each other about your case.  Sure they can pass records and images and lab results but they can’t really pass all the personal understanding of well, you. 

You are after all more than just lab results and radiology reports right?  You’re a real person with real issues, you have a detailed history, a personal story.  

If your doctor isn’t able to get to know you (or worse, won’t take the time to get to know you) then you’re at a real disadvantage.  Your road to wellness is going to be very tough and you probably feel like you’re walking it alone.  Bottom line is you don’t need another doctor, another specialist, another medication.  You need a partner. You need a guide. Someone who will listen to you and walk that road with you every step of the way. You need someone to be your advocate and help guide you to the right doctors, the right specialists and empower you to make the best decisions for your health.

Here at the Specific Chiropractic Centers – Little Rock one of the things that we take great pride in is partnering with our patients and walking side-by-side from where they’re at to where they want to get to in regards to their health. We take the time to get to know our patients And not just know their conditions or symptoms but actually get to know what they do, what makes them tick, where they are struggling and we learn how we can encourage and empower them to make wise decisions in their own lives. The road to health is still a long road but at least we can help them make forward progress and they’ll have a partner to guide them every step of the way.

So if you’re out there struggling, feeling alone, hopeless or like you’re not being listened to please reach out.  You can click here to schedule a time to talk with me and see if we can help. We may not be everything you need but we might be the one piece you need to get everything else started. If we both feel like you’re a good fit for the office, we can book a time to meet with you in person and go through our testing to see if we can find the root cause of your health problems. Don’t get caught up in thinking that this can’t work for you, instead I would ask yourself, “what if it can?” 

In Health and Happiness,

Dr. Cam


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