I Love Taking Care Of People Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic
https://youtu.be/-voAmAqjPi0 How I Got Started I get to walk in the office every single day taking care of amazing people. I get to look at this globe, which reminds me of how many people out there actually have not heard the message of chiropractic. When I was ten...
Why We Use Computerized Infrared Thermography
When I See Patients It's My Job To Check That They Don't Just Feel Stuck What I want to do is I want to measure what's going on inside of their nervous system to be able to determine if they need an adjustment and, most importantly, if they don't. To do this we use...
Invisible Illness Sucks.
"It's all in your head". "You're just going to have to live with it". or my favorite... "This is your new normal". If you are suffering from an invisible illness, you've heard these phrases far too often either subconsciously, or literally from the Doctors themselves....