3 (easy to do) Free Things To Massively Impact Your Life

3 (easy to do) Free Things To Massively Impact Your Life

There's no shortage of suggestions on the Internet of things to add, implement or change about your daily routine to be healthier, happier or more successful. But so often these things take so much extra time or energy or money that it makes it seem impossible to...

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Just Live With It

Just Live With It

“You are going to have to just live with it” If you’ve ever heard that phrase before you’ve probably felt let down.  Like they were giving up on you.  It’s a pretty hopeless feeling mixed with anger and frustration, fear and defeat.  Not a place you want to be in when...

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Symptoms Are a GOOD Thing

Symptoms Are a GOOD Thing

Do you get headaches? What about dizziness or lightheadedness? Have you been feeling more fatigued than normal lately? Have your symptoms increased in severity recently? If so, then it's time to take a closer look at what might be causing them. Even though the word...

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How to Pray

This devotional relates very closely with my other devotion on Col. 4:2 telling us to not babble on and on. Coming to the throne of Grace with intention is the key to being aligned with what it is that God has for you and me. Here are some things to do if you notice...

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An Introduction to Prayer

When we hear the word “prayer” it almost always is seen as “petition”. Asking God what it is that we need. Though petition is a form of prayer, it isn’t the only way to pray. Further devotions will dive deeper into this concept, but for the time being let’s narrow it...

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You are not alone.

You are not alone.

You may be one of those people… One of those people who’s friends stopped inviting you to things because you’ve said no far too many times because of your migraines. You may hear something like “We didn’t invite you because we figured you were having a migraine again…...

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Head in the Clouds? 4 Tips for Conquering Storm Front Flare-Ups

Head in the Clouds? 4 Tips for Conquering Storm Front Flare-Ups

If it’s one thing I know about Arkansas… The weather fronts here change like crazy! Of course, if you suffer from migraines, fibromyalgia, or any other condition that flares up with weather changes you know this too… If this is you, I wanted to extend my knowledge and...

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Can Chiropractic Help With Fibromyalgia?

Can Chiropractic Help With Fibromyalgia?

When It Comes To Seeing Patients With Fibromyalgia In Our Office, We realize that we get amazing results because we know that there is a direct connection between fibromyalgia and the central nervous system, which is what we measure inside of our office. I'm a science...

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I Want You To Get Your Nervous System Checked

I Want You To Get Your Nervous System Checked

Every Day I Get To Walk Inside Of This Office Whether it be people with fibromyalgia, whether it be people with neck pain, whether it be people with chronic fatigue syndrome, I get to check them in for their adjustments. But this goes well beyond any condition that I...

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It Is Important To Rest After Your Adjustment

https://youtu.be/RMRwzbX4y5c A lot of people will go to chiropractors, and they won't realize that there's a resting period that's extremely important to help stabilize the upper two bones of the neck. Here at The Specific, we like to do things a little bit...

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