upper cervical chiropractor
Dr. Cameron Daniels, D.C.
It’s been a journey, and I thank the Lord for every moment of it.
Born and raised in Rochester, Michigan, I graduated Rochester High School in 2014. I decided to pursue my college education and wrestling career at Alma College in Alma, Michigan. It wasn’t until my Junior year at Alma College where I heard about this amazing thing called chiropractic, and I became fascinated by the profound effects it had on the nervous system and restoring function within the human body. So after graduating from Alma College with a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Physiology and Health Science, I decided to move states and head to Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa to pursue my Doctorate. About a year into the program, my wife and I felt led by the Lord to move South to serve. So after graduating and receiving my Doctorate of Chiropractic in 2022, we moved to the beautiful state of Arkansas where we planted roots for the long haul. But I get asked all the time, what made me want to become a Doctor in the first place?
You see, growing up my mother would always call me Dr. Cam. She was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 5 years old, and I would spend the next 5 years caring for her with my father and sister. She began calling me Dr. Cam when she saw my patient, gentle, and compassionate attitude towards her when helping her. She told me as a child that my care shouldn’t end with her. She stated that I should serve other people as well. Those dealing with conditions that inhibit their every day of living. My mother ended up passing away when I was 10, and while we have many memories, one of the main things that stuck with me growing up was “Dr. Cam”. As I grew older, I told myself that if I were to pursue being a healthcare professional that it would need to be just that… HEALTH care. Caring for the health of the individual rather than their condition. So it became my mission to find a career in health that provided conservative, functional based care to the individual rather than placing a band-aid on their symptoms. This is where Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic and the functional based approach it brings to patient care resonated with me, and I decided to become a specialist.
Most people that I talk to feel like they are on an island when it comes to their health. You may feel the same way. Going Doctor to Doctor, with the same answer of “nothing is wrong” or “the tests were inconclusive”. This may even make you feel like the problem is “all in your head”. Well, let me be the first to ease your mind, it’s not all in your head, and you are not crazy. You see, a majority of the problems I deal with in my area of specialty are what other people call “invisible illnesses”, meaning that you may look fine on the outside, but on the inside you know something is wrong. I knew that when I became a Doctor, I wanted to take care of just that, those struggling to find help, relief, and/or answers as it relates to their “invisible” conditions. Many are unaware that their condition may be a result of a nervous system issue that is often overlooked. It is my job as an Upper Cervical Chiropractor to detect, locate, and analyze the nervous system to find a potential problem and correct it to restore neurological function.
I, Dr. Cameron Daniels, stand for a world where I utilize my God given authenticity, inspiration, and education to provide my patients the ability to live beyond expectations as it relates to their health concerns. I have the privilege of doing this by being an Upper Cervical specialist where I focus strictly on the top two bones in the neck to evaluate the function of the nervous system and finding the root cause of an issue, rather than placing a bandage on the symptoms.
This is my personal story, and I look forward to being a part of yours. Together let’s make a happier, healthier, Arkansas.
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“I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your Salvation…”
– Psalm 40:10