When we hear the word “prayer” it almost always is seen as “petition”. Asking God what it is that we need. Though petition is a form of prayer, it isn’t the only way to pray. Further devotions will dive deeper into this concept, but for the time being let’s narrow it in on an extremely simple verse found in Colossians 4:2. This passage of scripture tells us exactly how to approach the throne of God for prayer.
Colossians 4:2 (CSB) – Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Prayer is the basis of communion, the uniting of ourselves with God and His Spirit He has freely given us. The first word we see is this word devote, or in Greek proskartereó. This word in the original Greek means to attend constantly. Prayer does not have to mean scheduling out a 30 minute time block everyday (though this may be warranted for deeper, more intentional prayer). (see also 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)
When it comes to a more scheduled time of prayer, we should maintain it with an alert mind. Having this alert mind means we need to make sure that we are in direct purpose and intention with our prayer. Having direct intention in our prayer to God better allows us to understand where our heart is with what we are praying for, and most importantly if our motives and desires have to change to the will of God’s. This is not to say that we should not be praying to God throughout the day in our minds as we move on to different things (this is the constantly attending portion of prayer), but we should have a moment of time where we have intentional prayer. This same passage also lets us know to approach with a thankful heart. Thanksgiving is always a nice term that we throw around, but are we really practicing it? I encourage you to approach God in prayer, beginning with the intention of thankfulness… Being thankful for ALL He has done. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. And most importantly, coming in human flesh to die for you and me on the cross. Satan will try and do whatever he can to disrupt our thanksgiving by deceiving us thinking “there’s something better than this!” or “there is nothing to be thankful for!”. Don’t fall into this trap and allow God’s presence to overcome that. The word tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7).
Health Tip – Swap out your current water bottle for one that is one size bigger. Over time this will increase your water intake per day.