“It’s all in your head”.
“You’re just going to have to live with it”.
or my favorite… “This is your new normal”.
If you are suffering from an invisible illness, you’ve heard these phrases far too often either subconsciously, or literally from the Doctors themselves. If this is you, I got news for you…
Good news.
It’s NOT all in your head.
It’s not normal to have migraines that feel like a vice grip is piercing against your skull. It’s not normal to wake up in the morning and feel like you’ve been hit by a bus within the first 5 minutes. It’s not normal to have to feel like you need to “budget” out your activities within the day just to make it through. None of this is normal.
And if your Doctors have been making you feel like it is, I am extremely sorry.
I have this crazy belief that our bodies are designed by nature to be healthy.
Now there are some exceptions to this rule for sure, but for the most part you and I have the same exact healing mechanism inside of us that CAN heal us. It’s the same mechanism that took us from 2 cells and turned us into a trillion cells.
The same mechanism that healed all of those bruises and cuts we got on ourselves when we were younger.
That mechanism is called your nervous system.
Believe it or not, many people do not feel empowered when it comes to their health. My call to action for you is that if you are dealing with an invisible illness, that you ask your doctors if they have ever considered your condition to be a nervous system issue.
That instead of running all of the same blood panels that keep giving inconsistent measures, have they ever considered the system in the entire body that regulates all of the things they are testing for?
That instead of labeling you with a condition that is extremely complicated to treat, have they ever considered getting the quality of the information running in and through your nervous system checked?
Because in my experience by taking care of the “unheard ones”, I have seen incredible results with people who thought that all their options were exhausted…
All by taking care of their nervous system.
I invite you to check out my website at www.drcamdaniels.com for a better idea of what to look for in a doctor who is going to be checking your nervous system. Feel free to reach out to me on the schedule appointment tab with any questions and let me know how I can be of service to you.
Dr. Cam